Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

On Thursdays I will be posting questions meant to make you think, and of course my answers to them.  As a bonus I will also include a simple Yoga pose and / or a stress relief technique.

Today's question is - Are you living in the present?

As most mommies of Angel Babies will tell you, this is a difficult thing to do.  Personally for me it is a minute by minute thing.  I can be here today, 19 months after my boys were born, but then something will take me back.  It can be something so simple that I wouldn't even equate with Kyle.  For example let's say I see a woman in a red coat.  I might think to myself that I don't really care for the color red.  My favorite color is blue.  Blue is for boys.  I was so happy to find out on a cold day in February 2009 that I was expecting twin boys.  Oh twins.  I miss not having Kyle with us and all that Jack is missing by not having his little brother here.

Some days are really bad and I live in what-if land.  I'm sure most other Angel Baby mommies at least have a standing reservation here, maybe even a home away from home.

For an Angel Baby momma, living in the present is something that is very hard to do.  For myself it is something that still takes a considerable amount fo time to do.  But I do it.  If not for myself, for Jack.  I would miss so much if I wasn't there, in the present, with my personality filled 19-month-old.

Yoga -
Butterfly Pose - a basic beginner anyone can do.  It is great for taking time to relax and concentrate on being here, in the present. 

A website displaying the technique - Mastery of Meditation, Yoga and Zen or try this old blog post


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